Cambridge LW Meetup: Constructive Complaining

Do you think America is collapsing /​ people don’t want to work anymore /​ there’s been no good music since the Beatles /​ social media is polarizing society /​ the world is doomed? Let’s get together and let it out. Complaining can be frivolous fun, but it’s also a lens we can use to think critically about the way the world works, reflect on our biases, practice emotional resilience, and learn to focus on the things within our control.

Snacks will be provided and there will be an informal dinner afterwards for those who wish to stick around.

Some links and potential discussion topics to think about prior to the meetup:
1. https://​​​​wheres-todays-beethoven/​​
2. https://​​​​.../​​peter-thiel-on-the-dangers-of.../​​
3. https://​​​​.../​​una.../​​manifesto.text.htm
4. https://​​​​wiki/​​The_Limits_to_Growth
5. https://​​​​wiki/​​The_Great_Stagnation
6. https://​​​​tfp/​​
7. How can one develop accurate views of problems in the world?
8. What changes would you like to see to Cambridge /​ Boston /​ your local community?

Image by DALL-E 2: “a construction worker standing on a space station shouting, by claude monet”
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