How do you improve the quality of your drinking water?

Water quality can have surprisingly high impact on QoL (just as air purifiers can significantly improve QoL), and some steps (like getting the right pitcher have very high return on time/​attention invested). There still isn’t a LW thread on water quality so I’ll post it here.

Water may contain disinfection byproducts (eg ), PFAS, microplastics from PVC-based plumbing, and heavy metals.

There are a variety of water filters—including both pitchers and reverse osmosis. Many of them are made of plastics, but the plastics (eg Tritan) presumably are less “leachable” than more “flexible” plastics. Note that reverse osmosis filters are made of plastics and may leach micronanoplastics. At some point, it would be wise to test all the filters for nanoplastics (nanoplastics being more penetrating and harmful, though still much harder to quantify)

EWG has a site for helping you look up your city’s water quality: https://​​​​tapwater/​​system.php?pws=MA3049000

Supposedly, Toronto has “better water quality” than most US cities like Boston (@yasmeenbrain on twitter says this).

https://​​​​home/​​kitchen-and-household/​​best-water-filter-pitcher/​​ is a source of reviews, but there are many review sites (as well as YouTube video reviews).

Some more resources: https://​​​​topic/​​18497-drinkingtap-water-thread-and-ideal-water-filterspitchers/​​#comment-47188
