Meetup : Less Wrong Sydney—Bayes and Fun Theory

Discussion article for the meetup : Less Wrong Sydney—Bayes and Fun Theory

WHEN: 21 May 2012 06:00:17PM (+1000)

WHERE: 77 Liverpool Street, Sydney, Australia, Level 2

As suggested via the FB group, this coming meeting’s topic will be Bayes and Fun theory. Now looking for Bayes games!

We are making this regular now—So every 3rd week, alternating Mondays/​Fridays. As before, we will meet at Cafe Norita for a topic as yet fleshed out. Join us on facebook for more info, or comment here for your suggestions!


P.S. Just a congratulations to the “Post Hocs” (so classy guys) on their win at last meetings’ Fact or Crap game. Their superior use of confidence values to justify wild guessing was sublime!

Discussion article for the meetup : Less Wrong Sydney—Bayes and Fun Theory