Meetup : Thursday Meetup at UB

Discussion article for the meetup : Thursday Meetup at UB

WHEN: 21 March 2013 07:00:00PM (-0400)

WHERE: University at Buffalo-North Campus, Rm 124 Capen Hall Buffalo,NY

So I recently read Jackdaws’ “The Eighth Meditation on Superweapons and Bingo” and I think it would be a great discussion topic.

I would also like to practice finding errors in reasoning. But in order to specifically combat the habit of motivated skepticism, I would like to find articles or blog posts where you actually agree with the conclusions of the paper, but still find fault with the reasoning used to support it (Brownie points if you can find an argument you were once a strong proponent of).

New Location: Rooms 123-125 Capen are in the Capen Library. These are “group study rooms” located in the computer section on the first floor. There is no way to sign them out in advance, so I will try to get one of them early. If I can’t, I will leave a note on the door that will lead you a some other location (there are group study rooms on the 3rd floor too, and often empty class rooms also)

Discussion article for the meetup : Thursday Meetup at UB

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