[Question] What does it take to transfer the knowledge to action?

This is a quite personal question. Feel free to point me elsewhere if you think this does not fit the overall discussion happening here, or if there are solution exists for the exact same problem.

Most of the time, My coding skill allows me to modify the code in the most generally understandable higher-level language, even in one that I have no experience with while producing some simple script-like creation, but that’s it, nothing more. I currently lack the proper training to produce a solution-level product. Or, else to say, I can translate from human language instructions to code and back (Likewise, I have a pretty good grip on translating), but I was never able to write them myself.

I do understand that there is software engineering knowledge that I lack, such as data structure, algorithms, and design patterns. Still, based on my dotted learning over the years, even if I managed to learn them, I do not have the mindset to transfer the knowledge that I owned to the project I intend to make.

I’m not quite sure where my learning path goes wrong. Most classes for completely newbies on the market too focused on the usage of a particular tool (like a language or a framework), which I could quickly follow without learning anything. Abstract-based courses are more focused on explaining what is the thing rather than how to use it. Project-based learning doesn’t do much to me, since the same: the simple one does not require a creative mind, thus does nothing to my growth, the hard one requires too much of a creative mind, thus I can’t even finish.

This flawed mind now harms my other reach in STEM. I know perfectly well how most of the things work in human language, I can do well above the average with instructions, I can calculate perfectly based on a given model, but I cannot transfer the understanding to the model, transfer the model to the required equation or experimentation, which is critical for the things I wish to do but can’t.

So, with all these lengthy explanations of my problem presented, I’m asking for help. Do you have dealt with a similar problem, or do you have friends or families having success with similar problems? I would be grateful for any kind of consecutive response. If not on my general learning disabilities, then first the CS part. What knowledge do I need to persist solidly for a successful solution prototype? For those pieces of knowledge, what are your best recommendations for learning resources?