[Question] Does Math actually create or is it simply an attribute?

Many times in my life I, and I am sure many of you, have heard some variation of “Without Math, nothing could exist.”

Something I’ve always been curious about is if this statement is true or if Math is simply a defining feature of everything that exists within an object along side Color, Smell, Texture, etc… I have been a programmer for many years and this is where I first had the thought that Math could simply just be an attribute to objects in the real and virtual world. In a programming sense, Math can be used to assist in creating an object however, usually there is more than Math working behind the scenes to create the object.

If Math IS an attribute, does Math create the object or does the object create the attributing Math necessary for itself to take shape and/​or exist?

My apologies if this question is sort of out there or just doesn’t make much sense. I am new to this website and I figured “Why not ask?”.