Probably not, from the paper: ‘We used LeetCode in Figure 1.5 in the introduction, where GPT-4 passes all stages of mock interviews for major tech companies. Here, to test on fresh questions, we construct a benchmark of 100 LeetCode problems posted after October 8th, 2022, which is after GPT-4’s pretraining period.’
Leetcode questions are not selected for novelty. In fact, the best way to get a problem turned into a Leetcode question is to post it to Leetcode’s discussion board and say someone asked you it in an interview at a big tech company. So it’s still possible that some or even many these questions appear nearly verbatim in the training data.
Probably not, from the paper: ‘We used LeetCode in Figure 1.5 in the introduction, where GPT-4 passes all stages of mock interviews for major tech companies. Here, to test on fresh questions,
we construct a benchmark of 100 LeetCode problems posted after October 8th, 2022, which is after GPT-4’s pretraining period.’
Good point. It’s a bit weird that performance on easy Codeforces questions is so bad (0/10) though.
Leetcode questions are not selected for novelty. In fact, the best way to get a problem turned into a Leetcode question is to post it to Leetcode’s discussion board and say someone asked you it in an interview at a big tech company. So it’s still possible that some or even many these questions appear nearly verbatim in the training data.