Furry Rationalists & Effective Anthropomorphism both exist

(cross-posted on EA Forum and my website)


I’m Rai and I’m a furry (specifically, dragon). The last couple years, I’ve been running a Furry Rationalists Telegram group. It looks like we exist, and not everyone who should know we exist does yet, so I wanted to just write this to advertise that this furry+EA/​rationality corner exists, and if you’re furry-adjacent & rationality-adjacent and nice, you’re invited to join us :)

Here’s the invite link for the Furry Rationalists group: https://​​adgn.link/​​furry-rationalists-telegram

There’s ~50 of us and we’re chill—we have self-improvement, science, and cute animal GIFs. If you’d like a preview, here’s the guidelines + meta doc. We’re 18+, but we’re not adult-oriented—we’re 18+ just so that we can talk about adult stuff if it does come up. If you happen to be <18 and wanna join, let me know, we might update this.

If you’re reading this a while later, and the link expired, contact me (via some method on my website, agentydragon.com), or look us up on https://​​www.furry-telegram-groups.net/​​, a search for “rationality” should find us.

There’s also a smaller Effective Anthropomorphism Discord server, run by bird: https://​​adgn.link/​​effective-anthropomorphism-discord

Come say hi, and feel free to share if you know anyone who’d be interested!

Crossposted to EA Forum (13 points, 5 comments)