Do you work at an AI lab? Please quit

AI labs are on a quest to bring a prosperous wonderful future for all men and women of the world, without disease or suffering, altruistically building machines that will shine knowledge, prosperity, and splendour onto the universe. Their glorious leaders are fighting against adversity, towards ….. - and other egregious baloney, you know.

You are smart enough to see through the bs, wishful thinking, and self-deceit. There is no magic in the world. This thing will explode and you will be hurt, maybe worse than others—because your conscience will not forgive you and in your last dying moment you will be engulfed by sorrow.

That is… unless you quit.

If YOU, the reader, employed at Anthropic, Google, Baidu, Microsoft, HuggingFace, Meta, etc, quit. This will not happen. We will not become a galaxy-faring species during your lifetime either, and that’s actually OK.

Don’t fool yourself. You are not going to get the light cone of the universe. You know how all these rushed kerfuffles end.

You are a free person, and you can quit today.