Meetup : Sydney Summer Solstice

Discussion article for the meetup : Sydney Summer Solstice

WHEN: 21 December 2014 06:00:00PM (+1100)

WHERE: Model Yacht Pond, Centennial Park

Help us celebrate the end of a full year of rekindled Less Wrong Sydney! We will be holding a Summer Solstice event, Sat 21st in Centennial Park.

Come along from 6pm to have dinner and socialise, then watch the sun go down at 8pm, and take part in a final end of year group activity. We will be supplying candles and Less Wrong members can hold the floor and deliver a reading, a focused exercise, etc.

Please leave a comment with the type of exercise you’d like to run (or if you have an idea you’d like to suggest someone else picks up and runs).

If you know anyone else outside of Less Wrong who you think would enjoy the evening please invite them along also!

Discussion article for the meetup : Sydney Summer Solstice