Yesterday Greg Sadler and I met with the President of the Australian Association of Voice Actors. Like us, they’ve been lobbying for more and better AI regulation from government. I was surprised how much overlap we had in concerns and potential solutions: 1. Transparency and explainability of AI model data use (concern)
2. Importance of interpretability (solution)
3. Mis/dis information from deepfakes (concern)
4. Lack of liability for the creators of AI if any harms eventuate (concern + solution)
5. Unemployment without safety nets for Australians (concern)
6. Rate of capabilities development (concern)
They may even support the creation of an AI Safety Institute in Australia. Don’t underestimate who could be allies moving forward!
Yesterday Greg Sadler and I met with the President of the Australian Association of Voice Actors. Like us, they’ve been lobbying for more and better AI regulation from government. I was surprised how much overlap we had in concerns and potential solutions:
1. Transparency and explainability of AI model data use (concern)
2. Importance of interpretability (solution)
3. Mis/dis information from deepfakes (concern)
4. Lack of liability for the creators of AI if any harms eventuate (concern + solution)
5. Unemployment without safety nets for Australians (concern)
6. Rate of capabilities development (concern)
They may even support the creation of an AI Safety Institute in Australia. Don’t underestimate who could be allies moving forward!