Contact Us


If you are a user of LessWrong or Alignment Forum, then you might want to contact us about any of the following (or other things too):

  • Suggesting new features

  • Reporting bugs

  • Requesting administrative services such as changing your username, deleting your account, or adding co-authors to a post [1]

  • Raising moderation issues such as reporting bad behavior (epistemic or otherwise), appealing ban decisions, or discussing our policies with us

  • Other questions and comments!

You can reach us via any of the following methods:

If commenting or asking a question, you can type “@Ruby”, “@Raemon” or “@RobertM” to send us a notification about it to make sure we see it. (Note: this won’t work in the Markdown editor)

The Intercom Button

[1] We intend to make these self-serve in the near future.

[2] Unless you turned it off in your user settings.