London Hackday, this Friday, April 1st (No, this is not a joke)

This coming Friday, April 1st 2011, a few of us from London will be getting together to hack on some as yet unidentified project. The event will be held at the London Hackspace. We’ll be starting at 10am and expect to be there for most of the day.

We have quite a few suggestions and will probably spend the first hour of our meeting figuring out what to do. Being there early means you will be able to contribute in the direction the day will take. You’re welcome to turn up later of course. There is no particular skill level required to attend, just a desire for hacking on things with others. Teaching each other is just as important as the actual outcome. Letting us know you’re coming in advance will help us plan better.

If you would like to be in the loop for future LessWrong events in London, send me with your e-mail via private message so I can add you to the LessWrong London mailing list.