I’m glad this helped you, and think it’s cool you wrote up this recommendation, and I wish people did more of that sort of thing.
I felt very disappointed by this show. It fell into a lot of anime tropes I find cringey and misleading, but worse, I felt like the characters acted very irrationally and uncarefully, and in my opinion aren’t good role models of rationality.
E.g to pick a few early not-very-spoilery points, they don’t optimize their first deliberate de-stoning, and even though it’s known that when stone people break they die, they choose to carry a stone person they value highly, including running with them through the forest (which seems like it could easily have resulted in tripping and breaking them) instead of un-stoning in situ. Senku contends that Taiju shouldn’t let himself die to save Senku because both their skillsets are needed, but Taiju’s is about being physically strong (vs Senku being exceptionally smart and good at science) which is clearly a more common skillset (and easier to identify in petrified people).
Also, Senku contends that counting is “simply the rational thing to do” but that doesn’t seem obvious at all; for most people, that seems pretty unlikely to be the right approach to maintaining sanity.
I’m glad this helped you, and think it’s cool you wrote up this recommendation, and I wish people did more of that sort of thing.
I felt very disappointed by this show. It fell into a lot of anime tropes I find cringey and misleading, but worse, I felt like the characters acted very irrationally and uncarefully, and in my opinion aren’t good role models of rationality.
E.g to pick a few early not-very-spoilery points, they don’t optimize their first deliberate de-stoning, and even though it’s known that when stone people break they die, they choose to carry a stone person they value highly, including running with them through the forest (which seems like it could easily have resulted in tripping and breaking them) instead of un-stoning in situ. Senku contends that Taiju shouldn’t let himself die to save Senku because both their skillsets are needed, but Taiju’s is about being physically strong (vs Senku being exceptionally smart and good at science) which is clearly a more common skillset (and easier to identify in petrified people).
Also, Senku contends that counting is “simply the rational thing to do” but that doesn’t seem obvious at all; for most people, that seems pretty unlikely to be the right approach to maintaining sanity.