[Question] Using Finite Factored Sets for Causal Representation Learning?

One of the primary motivations of Finite Factored Sets (shorthand: FFS) that initially caught my eye was, to quote Scott:

“Given a collection of variables and a joint probability distribution over those variables, Pearl can infer causal/​temporal relationships between the variables.”, the words “Given a collection of variables” are actually hiding a lot of the work.

And this becomes apparent with the toy model Magdalena analyzes at the end of her distillation post: taking variables as primitives (as in the Pearl framework) means you have to make arguments about ‘whether deterministic collapse occurs’, rather than variables arising naturally as in finite factored sets.


  • Is anyone looking into finding an efficient algorithm for scaling up finite factored sets to larger regimes, where you could efficiently discover a dozen (or hundreds) of causal variables from data?

    • I think the FFS way to express this, would be a set with large cardinality and variety?

  • Or, more intuitively speaking: Are there “takeaways” from the FFS perspective that could be tacked-on to the traditional line-of-thinking of causal representation?

EDIT: It may help to know that my motivation is “Can we apply a FFS algorithm for causal representation learning to learn objects (and physics) from a video? Or (more directly for alignment), to identify latent concepts embedded in a LLM?”

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