Building rationalist communities: a series overview

Related to: How to build rationalist communities

“Tell ‘em what you’re going to tell ’em,” as it is written:

- Holy Books Don’t Implement Themselves

o Marx needed a Lenin. Fermi, Hahn and Meitner needed a Manhattan Project. The Bible needs a Rick Warren.

o EY and the Sequences need:

§ a Distiller that generates Rationality Projects.

§ some Organizers to help people embark on these Projects.

- Getting People To Do Stuff

o It doesn’t matter what ideas were conveyed in group meeting, the subset that matters is what group members resolved to do

o It doesn’t matter what group members resolved to do, the subset that matters is what you, the Organizer, followed up with.

- Bhagwat’s Law of Commitment

o The degree to which people identify with the group is directly proportional to the amount of stuff you tell them to do that works.

- Head in the Clouds < Making It Rain

o If someone is unable to articulate how they are going to implement a principle into their day-to-day lives, they are unlikely to implement it.

- Herding Cats

o If you don’t let people do something meaningful, they will never be any help.

o Feeling needed as a part of a community is a powerful motive to keep coming to meetings.

o Know the name and face of every newcomer. Have a good conversation with each. Afterwards, send them an e-mail showing them you are glad they came.

- “The Four People Who Do Everything” organization problem

o When you focus on doing stuff, some fandom members become core members.

o Others leave or detach themselves.

o But if you don’t have competent core members who organize, the group falls apart or stagnates.

o Attrition is the organization-killer. Spending tons of time training new people, only to have your old people leave, is a recipe for frustration and stagnation.

- Living Organisms Grow Naturally

o The idea isn’t, ‘how can Less Wrong meetups expand’

o It’s, ‘how can we remove the barriers stopping them?’

What are you all most interested in?