Implications of a feelings-first metaphysics?

What would be the implications on decision-making, beliefs, and actions of a metaphysics that is structured as follows?:

  1. All beliefs, ideas, actions, etc. are driven by feelings.

  2. Reasons are descriptions of feelings.

  3. Language fails to fully capture the sensational qualities of feelings.

  4. Decision-making, belief adoption, etc. cannot be bounded by language.

Some initial ideas:

-I act in a way that makes me feel a sense of balance.

-I believe what enables me to act in a way that makes me feel a sense of balance.

-I structure my perception of the world, decisions, and actions out of this goal-driven pursuit of feeling a sense of balance.

-I do not have access to information/​ideas/​actions/​etc outside of this.

Here is a map of what this would look like:

Emotional Awareness branches out into Balance and Map.

OODA loop connects emotional awareness to the ideas of balance and of a map. I observe how I feel (emotional awareness), orient my map to fit this feeling, decide how to act /​ what to believe /​ what information to take in based on how the map makes me feel that I would feel more balanced, and act in accordance with the decision.