[Question] Is libertarianism unsustainable? Why?

Tyler Cowen earlier this year wrote about the intellectual demise of libertarianism (Cowen 2020). I’m here wondering: aside from its normative status, is libertarianism unsustainable for reasons intrinsic to itself? Said differently, is it true that there are mechanisms intrinsic to libertarianism that forestall its ability to exist?

To stimulate discussion, the following two hypotheses came to mind that support this notion. Both of these hypothesis posit that actors within the polity will vote for politicians that increase state capacity and thus prevent/​terminate libertarianism.

Elite Support Hypothesis. Economic growth in modern societies demands certain investments and solutions to collective action problems that only a state can provide. Wealthy elites will support politicians that increase state capacity to provide these services and these politicians will gain power.

Non-Elite Support Hypothesis. Economic inequality will rise to a point where non-elites will support politicians favoring a welfare state and these politicians will gain power.