Contest for Women Who Want to Meet Our Awesome Berkeley Crew!

Are you a woman who wants a guy who’s logical, reasonable, empirical, a careful thinker, reflective, doesn’t believe in astrology like those crazy guys from your old high school, in a word, a rationalist?

There is a thriving rationalist community in Berkeley, but unfortunately it is terribly gender imbalanced. Being a counselor in the extended community, I’ve talked to a lot of people who are very isolated of both genders around the world, who are dying to meet other people who think like they do. My goal is to help everyone, but for now, I’m starting with cases that are fun and easy.

Thus, since there is such a high demand for rationalist women here, and there happens to be a bedroom free in my home for July and August, my housemates and I are offering a free stay in this room in downtown Berkeley for a week each to the two women who send me the most compelling questionnaires.

The sorts of things that I am likely to find compelling are:

  • Caring about progress for humanity in the areas of living longer, healthier, and happier

  • Caring about FAI

  • Being agenty

  • Having interests in the sort of geeky things that a lot of the guys like (math/​sciences)

While you’re here, you can meet our many eligible bachelors (mostly in their twenties), plus we’ll introduce you around to the rest of the team—Anna, Eliezer, etc.

Click here to go to the form!

p.s. If this post ends up getting popular, I encourage agentiness in the comment section regarding the subject matter. Do you wish that you could meet someone as cool as you are in the ways that you are awesome, and do you have an offer or request that you might be able to make enticing?

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