[Question] Can we get full audio for Eliezer’s conversation with Sam Harris?

I listened to this full interview in 2018, and it made me take AI risk way more seriously. I now plan to devote my career to this problem, so people often ask me what the concern with AI is all about. I really really really want to share this podcast with them, but these days less than half of the audio is available for free (the full interview requires a subscription of at least $8.33 per month). So the best I can do is offer them this transcript, which I find much less engaging than the audio. Sam appreciates effective altruism and has no problem releasing full audio for episodes about gun violence, so I bet he’d have no problem releasing the full Eliezer Yudkowsky audio if someone (e.g. Rob Bensinger) prodded him. To do my part, I just sent a request via Sam’s contact form.

Side note: if Eliezer did some new interviews on relevant podcasts, he might persuade a lot more people to take alignment seriously. And there would be a more up-to-date interview (citing more attention-grabbing evidence for the possibility of advanced AI, e.g. DALL·E 2) for me to share with my vaguely-interested-but-mostly-unconcerned friends.