Petrov Day

Forty years ago, a Soviet officer named Stanislav Petrov did not wipe out the human population. Please join us this Saturday to acknowledge the importance of not causing nuclear holocausts, and reflect on the fragility of life. Also to hang out and eat food and just general fun social-gathering things.

Please RSVP so we know how much food to get


When—Saturday, October 1st, starting at 3pm, until approximately 7pm-ish. The official ceremony will be sometime between 6pm and 7pm

Where − 660 S Lakeside Drive, Raleigh (google maps)

Who—If you’re reading this invitation, you’re invited. This includes people who haven’t attended a meetup before

What—A party at Wil’s house. Food will be served. BYOB. After the early dinner/​late lunch, we’ll do a small ceremony in honor of Petrov and mankind’s continued existence. It should be an interesting experience.

WhyStanislav Petrov (wikipedia), Some posts about Petrov Day

Should I Press the Red Button—NO! While attending, do not press the Red Button. If you do so, the party will immediately end, and the following Thursday meetup will be cancelled. Everyone will be sad. Please demonstrate restraint and responsibility, and honor those who didn’t press red buttons before you.

Other info—Street parking, please be respectful of the neighbors. Nearest parking lot is at intersection of Buck Jones and Norman. Feel free to message the google group or the Discord if you want to organize a carpool.

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