Question Regarding Motorcycling

A recent [discussion thread](http://​​​​r/​​discussion/​​lw/​​9j2/​​the_singularity_institute_is_hiring_an_executive/​​) seems to have devolved into a discussion of the relative merits and demerits of motorcycling. I wonder what the LessWrong community at large would say about motorcycling in a modern urban or suburban environment after some considered thought on the issue, particularly with regard to safety, and the practicality of cryonics, and with further consideration of local conditions.

For instance, here in Southern California, I’m under the impression that a lot of people use motorcycles the way runners at Pamplona use the bulls: to display fearlessness. I’m under the impression that motorcycling in (for instance) Britain is dominated by more practical concerns. Is this wrong? More generally, is motorcycling an unjustifiable risk for a rationalist?

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