Widening Overton Window—Open Thread

Major news outlets have published articles about the Future of Life Institute’s Open Letter. Time Magazine published an opinion piece by Elizer Yudkowsky. Lex Friendman featured EY on his podcast. Several US Members of Congress have spoken about the risks of AI. And a Fox News reporter asked a what the US President is doing to combat AI x-risk at a White House Press Conference.

Starting an Open Thread to discuss this, and how best to capitalize on this sudden attention.


WH Press Conference: https://​​twitter.com/​​therecount/​​status/​​1641526864626720774

Time Magazine: https://​​time.com/​​6266923/​​ai-eliezer-yudkowsky-open-letter-not-enough/​​

FLI Letter: https://​​futureoflife.org/​​open-letter/​​pause-giant-ai-experiments/​​