Feature proposal: Export ACX meetups

Currently there are two places that display upcoming meetups of Astral Codex Ten:

Note that there are almost 200 meetups this autumn. Sometimes a mistake happens, and meetups that are displayed at one place are missing from the other place. As a consequence, some people miss the information about an upcoming meetup.

I don’t know how exactly this works today. My best guess is that someone prepares a spreadsheet, and then imports it to both places. That part seems to work nicely.

Problems happen when the information changes later. People announce new ACX meetups after the deadline. Also, meetup organizers can edit the information on LW, but the changes do not automatically propagate to ACX.

ACX runs on Substack, which is a generic blogging platform. There is no specialized support for meetups, only a WYSIWYG editor for articles.

If these assumptions are generally correct, I propose to modify the process like this.

Step one: After collecting information to the spreadsheet, import the data to LessWrong. Then throw the spreadsheet away, because now LessWrong becomes the source of truth. (Meetup organizers can edit their announcements.)

Any meetups that are announced after the deadline, must be created on LessWrong. It is possible to reuse the same process: collect them to a (new!) spreadsheet, and import it. But they can also be created manually, whatever is more convenient.

Step two: Make an export from LessWrong for Astral Codex Ten, in format that is most convenient for Scott to import. Probably rich text or HTML code, which he could simply copy and paste to the article, without having to edit it further. That means, that the exported meetups would be organized in Scott’s preferred way (alphabetically, groupped by continent and city) and properly formatted.

That means, at first, Scott would create a new article, copy the data from LessWrong, and write an introduction. After changes, Scott would delete the imported part from the existing article, and copy the new export from LessWrong.

Afterwards he can compare the old export and the new export (e.g. using this tool) and announce the major changes in the next Open Thread. This part cannot be fully automated, because there are various kinds of possible changes, some of them important (new meetup, cancelled meetup, change of date and time, change of place), some unimportant (updated description, fixed a typo), therefore human judgment is needed.

As a bonus, export maps of continents, marking the places where the meetups occur. (Even if someone did this manually for ACX, they wouldn’t bother updating the maps.)