To me it isn’t clear what alignment are you talking about.
You say that the list is about “alignment towards genetically-specified goals”, which I read as “humans are aligned with inclusive genetic fitness”, but then you talk about what I would describe as “humans aligned with each other” as in “humans want humans to be happy and have fun”. Are you confusing the two?
South Korea isn’t having kids anymore. Sometimes you get serial killers or Dick Cheney.
Here the first one shows misalignment towards IGF, while the second shows misalignment towards other humans, no?
To me it isn’t clear what alignment are you talking about.
You say that the list is about “alignment towards genetically-specified goals”, which I read as “humans are aligned with inclusive genetic fitness”, but then you talk about what I would describe as “humans aligned with each other” as in “humans want humans to be happy and have fun”. Are you confusing the two?
Here the first one shows misalignment towards IGF, while the second shows misalignment towards other humans, no?