Meetup : Reading Weekly Meetups

Discussion article for the meetup : Reading Weekly Meetups

WHEN: 14 October 2015 05:00:00PM (+0100)

WHERE: Reading, England

The Reading meetup is looking likely to be a weekly thing, so we’ll be meeting in the same place at the same time as last week. We may use the time to discuss a better place and time to hold the meetups, as this doesn’t work well for everyone. For now, we’re still in the Starbucks next to Vue cinema and the river Kennet, in the Oracle Shopping Centre (Riverside Entrance). I (amongst others) will be there from 5pm, with a whiteboard with LessWrong written on it and the drawing of Clippy from last week.

In the event that introductions and subsequent interesting discussions don’t take up all our time, I have “motivation and long term goals” jotted down as a conversation topic. Hopefully anyone who missed the last one will be able to come to this one, so we’ll be able to all introduce ourselves and discuss an optimal scheduling as a group. I am a bad meetup organiser for not putting this up sooner, and for that I am sorry. If you couldn’t make it to either but you’re in the area, please do comment and let us know a time that would be better, and we’ll try and take you into account!

https://​​​​maps/​​place/​​The+Oracle+Shopping+Centre/​​@51.45308,-0.971488,3a,75y,90t/​​data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s7305926!2e1!3e10!!7i2048!8i1536!4m2!3m1!1s0x48769b15e736aff1:0x91a4b0447e720259!6m1!1e1 <--- As last week, if you’re lost, then if the area you’re in looks like this, you are in vaguely the right place!

Discussion article for the meetup : Reading Weekly Meetups