[Question] How do I better stick to a morning schedule?

I’ve always struggled with keeping my morning routine to a reasonable length of time. I’m spacey and unfocused in the morning, and it can be hard to stay aware of “when” I am in the morning.

I don’t want to come down too hard on this part of the day, because it also feels healthy and important, but I also want to rein it in a bit.

I’m looking for suggestions that might help with keeping my meandering mornings to a reasonable length of time. Currently they often run up to around four hours before I “clock in” and start my productive work. I’m working alone right now, so there’s not a lot of outside pressure, although sometime I take morning meetings which does help with this problem.

A small part of this problem is maintaining a consistent bedtime, but that isn’t the crux, I’m generally reasonably good at that part.