[Question] What is the greater problem, AI-to-Zuck alignment or AI-and-Zuck alignment?

(1) AI-to-Zuck – an AI to its direct masters alignment problem.

(2) AI-and-Zuck – an AI and its direct masters to the rest of the society alignment problem.

Zuck is just stand-in name for any tech billionaire CEO, corporation, institution or governing body in the immediate control of the AI. (1) seems as the problem for the Zucks. (2) seems like the problem for the humanity. One problem inside another. Which one is greater and needs more focus?

Alternative formulation: What is the greater alignment problem, pure machine intelligence (1) or symbiotic human-machine intelligence of powerful individuals (2). Is one clearly worse than other? In the symbiotic scenario Zuck can take the organizational role of amygdala running the motivational salience for the whole system. The machine parts might be able to replicate the Zuck in principle, but if there is no intrinsic motivation to do so the conflict (1) never arises. Humans seem to be good at extending their identities outside their physical bodies–families, groups, tribes and nations. Strong and intimate shared identity with powerful individuals and an AI seems very plausible.

Society functions through powerful organizations and intermediaries who act with relatively high autonomy. Alignment problems arise constantly. There are well known failure modes and drifts–regulatory capture, institutional capture and corruption. Pure AI vs. human alignment conflict where the humans are on the other side may seem less worrying scenario considering all historical precedents.

This question was prompted by Glen Weyl’s Why I Am Not A Technocrat, Artificial Intelligence Alignment section.

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