Request for community insight

Hi LW. I think that this community’s insight could help me with my problem. I may have an undiagnosed medical condition, and I wanted to present it here in order to get some ideas, either on what it is, or what I should try to do to figure it out.

I’m a relatively active and relatively healthy-eating 36 yo male, but over the last 5.5 years I’ve had a bunch of musculo-skeletal problems (joints, tendons, muscles) each lasting a long time. Each of these by themselves would not be that unusual, but most have not resolved, and they are just so widespread:

- r ankle (1 yr. minor catching, occasional worse pain)

- both knees (5 yr. major pain, catching, crepitus)

- both hips, (1 yr. major pain, better right now, but not gone)

- r shoulder (major weakness resolved after 2y by aggressive stretching)

- neck (6 mo., helped by stretching upper back , but still a problem: can’t swim)

- l elbow (3yr. minor pain and weakness)

Some (maybe all) of these feel like they could be due to muscles getting so tight or short that they overtax the connected tendons/​bones/​cartilage.

The knees are the worst right now, though the hips were just as bad. I’m not sure what made the hips get better, possibly strengthening hip abductors.

Additionally, approximately at the time this started, I became lactose intolerant, but am currently okay. I also started getting springtime allergies for the first time 5.5 yrs ago.

I started a gluten-free diet a couple of weeks ago, and have also stopped all exercise for the last 3 weeks, but no effect so far. Because I’ve been active and athletic for so long, the physical problems are a major impact on my life and have a huge negative impact on my mood. I’ve never felt worse in my life, honestly.

I’m presenting this here because I know the reponses I get will be well thought out.

I appreciate your time. Thanks!