Less Wrong Archives

The last straw was finding out that the manually-generated (why manual? I don’t understand!) “All Articles” article is more than a year out of date. The auto-generated list of Eliezer’s Overcoming Bias posts isn’t out of date if you only want the posts that were once on Overcoming Bias, but why would you want only those?

Can we please have a real, automatically generated archives link for Less Wrong? Perhaps one for the Discussion section, too. (And one that skips over meetups. Those don’t need to be recorded for antiquity.)

I’m sincerely confused as to why we don’t already have one of these. It seems like such an obviously essential tool. It seems like an open problem that nobody has actually thought of. Or maybe I’m just weird and care about archives far more than everyone else does.

Unfortunately, this is not something I can actually help with. Good luck to any brave soul who also thinks this is a problem but can actually do something to fix it.