What You Are

I wrote this after a bad trip some years ago, in which one of the challenges was a almost total loss of context for my experience. I’d hoped this would give me some kind of experiential ground to stand on if it happened again. If you have your own sequence of fundamentals to bootstrap an understanding of “what’s going on” please share.

You Exist
Which means that you are rather than are not

You are Conscious
This means there is something that it is like for you to Exist
One imagines there is nothing that it is like to Exist as a rock
And perhaps something that it is like to Exist as a cat
Somewhere from rock to cat a subjective point of view develops, and there is Consciousness

You are an Agent
Which means you prefer, and act
To prefer is to have a valenced to your experience, positive and negative
To act is make change happen in ways that interact with your preferences

You are a Human
Humans are the best general purpose Agents we know of
Which means you can prefer and do a great many things