[Question] Measure of complexity allowed by the laws of the universe and relative theory?

A big question that determines a lot about what risks from AGI/​ASI may look like has to do with the kind of things that our universe’s laws allow to exist. There is an intuitive sense in which these laws, involving certain symmetries as well as the inherent smoothing out caused by statistics over large ensembles and thus thermodynamics, etc., allow only certain kinds of things to exist and work reliably. For example, we know “rocket that travels to the Moon” is definitely possible. “Gene therapy that allows a human to live and be youthful until the age of 300″ or “superintelligent AGI” are probably possible, though we don’t know how hard. “Odourless ambient temperature and pressure gas that kills everyone who breathes it if and only if their name is Mark with 100% accuracy” probably is not. Are there known attempts at systematising this issue using algorithmic complexity, placing theoretical and computational bounds, and so on so forth?