A gaming group for rationality-aware people

Hi everyone.

It was suggested 5 years ago to make a gaming group for rationalists.
However, I haven’t found one.

So I made a Discord gaming-server for people who know about rationality (invite link).

Below, you will find the actions I took and the reasoning behind them.

Many papers were published on the negative and positive impact of gaming, so I will skip the whole debate of whether making a gaming server is good or bad.

The target audience is the people from the LessWrong community. However, there are no input filters. If somebody wants to chill with us, I see no reason to reject.

The rules are kept to the minimum: No calling names, no politics/​religion/​drama/​nsfw.

Discord was chosen as a hosting platform because the solutions that don’t collect data are unpopular and will stunt the community growth. Just don’t write anything compromising when using Discord.

There are many things that need to be settled, such as moderators, automatic role assignment, and so on, but I think we will handle them as they come.