[Question] Do any AI alignment orgs hire remotely?

tl;dr: qualified software engineer considering what their next job might be; now thinking about direct work as a serious option.

Previous plan was something like:

SELECT * FROM big_tech_co
WHERE location = 'remote'
ORDER BY team_fit, salary

For a variety of reasons, I’m not a huge fan of this plan anymore.

New plan:

  1. Check the job pages of all the AI alignment orgs I know

  2. Check 80000 Hours jobs board in case I missed something

  3. ???

  4. Post question on LW

I didn’t find anything looking at the job pages of the AI alignment orgs that I’m familiar with, and 80000 Hours didn’t bring up anything that fit the bill either, so here we are.


  • mission-aligned, long-time member of the community (since ~2013) and meetup organizer (since 2017)

  • fairly strong software engineer, mostly backend-focused but have recently picked up enough React to be able to meaningfully contribute to an existing project on the front-end (no design skills to speak of, yet). Can also rapidly onboard myself to an unfamiliar codebase. Legible artifacts demonstrating these claims beyond a resume include:

  • happy to travel something like 10% of the time, especially to the Bay, to integrate professionally & socially

  • happy to do something like a part-time work trial (outside of my core working hours, but including weekends), and willing to take a few days off to do this in-person if the fit seems good

  • in general, happy to do some non-standard things that might not be expected of me at a typical tech job, be agent-y, etc., particularly to compensate for the downsides to an organization of my working remotely


  • an organization that works either directly on AI alignment, or a “meta” org that e.g. better enables others to work on AI alignment

  • willing to hire someone on these (or similar) terms!

  • most everything else I’m looking for seems pretty strongly correlated with that, and I’m aware that there aren’t exactly a wealth of options to filter on

Does anyone know of any orgs that I might have missed?

  • Lightcone & Redwood don’t seem to be hiring remotely

  • Alignment AI doesn’t specify whether they’re hiring remotely (but since they’re in the UK, you’d imagine they’d say if they were)

  • MIRI & ARC aren’t hiring engineers

Most of the other orgs I’m familiar with seem to be doing differently-targeted work (i.e. Ought), or are doing work which seems to boil down to “capabilities advancement”, but I’m open to arguments here if I’ve misjudged one or more of them.