Brief Query- An Idea

I had an idea- has it been done before, and if not shouldn’t somebody try to do it? I live in Melbourne where LWers aren’t organised, but perhaps the New York branch or some other group could try this? (IF it hasn’t been done, that is- I haven’t seen in mentioned, which is why I’m checking)


-Recruit a non-rationalist scientist (or better group of scientists) either by persuading friends or perhaps getting some money together to pay somebody (or finding a helpful volenteer) or perhaps several.

-Have THEM come up with a series of tests to test rationalists relative to a control group.

If ‘sucessful’ (in the sense of a significant difference between rationalists and non-rationalists, the result we on LW would presumably predict), it would provide enough evidence to justify a formal test (there would likely be a few weaknesses, such as recruiting friends of rationalists), which could then (again, assuming such a result) persuade scientists to become rationalists (benefits should be obvious on a bit of thought) and generate publicity. If a ‘failure’ or indecisive, it justifies a serious reevaluation of site methodology.