ACXLW UBI experiment and Technopragmatism Manifesto

ACXLW UBI experiment and Technopragmatism Manifesto

Hello Folks!

We are excited to announce the 52nd Orange County ACX/​LW meetup, happening this Saturday and most Saturdays thereafter.

Host: Michael Michalchik

Email: (For questions or requests)

Location: 1970 Port Laurent Place

(949) 375-2045

Date: Saturday, Jan 13, 2024

Time 2 pm

Conversation Starters :

Feel free to bring up a topic. This week, we will continue the last topic because the meeting was short, and most people were away on vacation.

Long-term, controlled experiment in Universal Basic Income in Kenya:

NPR Coverage:

The Actual Paper:


UBI versus Guaranteed jobs, from ACX:


Vitalik’s more cautious techno-optimism:


Walk & Talk: We usually have an hour-long walk and talk after the meeting starts. Two mini-malls with hot takeout food are readily accessible nearby. Search for Gelson’s or Pavilions in the zip code 92660.

Share a Surprise: Tell the group about something unexpected that changed your perspective on the universe.

Future Direction Ideas: Contribute ideas for the group’s future direction, including topics, meeting types, activities, etc.

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