Irrational Upvotes

This premise is VERY flawed” (found here) is the sole author-supplied content of a comment. There are no supporting links or additional content, only a one-sentence quote of the “offending” premise.

Yet, it has four upvotes.

This is a statement that can be made about any premise. It is backed by no supporting evidence.

Presumably, whoever upvoted it did so because they disagreed with the preceding comment (which, presumably, they downvoted—unless they didn’t have enough karma).

This *could* be viewed as rational behavior because it *does* support the goal of defeating the preceding comment but it does not support the LessWrong community. If premise is fatally flawed, then you should give at least some shred of a reason WHY or all you’re doing is adding YOUR opinion.

This blog is “devoted to refining the art of human rationality”. If the author is truly interested in refining his rationality, he has been given absolutely no help. He has no idea why his premise is flawed. He is now going to have to ask why or for some counter-examples. For his purposes (and the purposes of anyone else who doesn’t understand or doesn’t agree with your opinion), this post is useless noise clogging up the site.

Yet, it has four upvotes.

Is anyone else here bothered by this or am I way off base?