[Exploratory] Exploratory Writing Info

TL;DR—As an experiment I will post the unedited notes that I generate when thinking about something, to see if they are useful to people. The titles of such posts will be prefixed with ‘[Exploratory]’. I am not even gonna check for spelling, and I am very bad at spelling.

Compared to the average person, I might be considered a prolific writer. I wrote around 1.200.000 words in the last 4 years or so. Almost all of this was never seen by another person. Most of my writing is exploratory writing, meaning writing that is meant to augment my thought process (you don’t need a computer to be a cyborg YAY). Often I don’t want to spend the extra time to edit the things I write such that they become easy to parse by another person. However, it seems that it might be worth posting them anyway, in their very rough and unpolished form, at least for some of them.

I now want to perform an experiment. When I am doing some exploratory writing, then I want to just post it, almost completely unedited (I might do edits while writing it, or when I think it would be useful for me, but otherwise I will try to avoid it). This includes not even checking for spelling mistakes. And I am very bad at spelling.

If you read such a post, please upvote it if you think this provides positive value, compared to not having it, and downvote if you think it would be better to not post it (e.g. because the post is garbage and just adds noise, making it actually harder to find good content).

This post is an exploratory post. The titles of exploratory posts will be prefixed with ‘[Exploratory]’. Feedback on how to improve this, in the spirit that I am going for (minimizing overhead from getting to writing I have, to publishing it) is welcome. There might be things that are very low effort that would drastically improve the quality of the posts, that I have missed (in the spirit of what I am doing, I have not thought very long about how to best go about this). [Edit: These posts will also not be promotable to front-page posts, at least for now (excluding the first two posts). This might change in the future if this is useful.]