[Question] Does a site exist for keeping track of casual wagers with others?

I run into two situations where I want to wager:

  • With a friend, about some future outcome

  • With someone I’m having a debate with on the internet, as a way to settle the debate and test our beliefs

With friends, I’ve been tracking these wagers with a Google Calendar invitation, but this doesn’t work as well with internet strangers (people don’t feel comfortable as often sharing their email).

What I’m looking for is something similar to https://​​longbets.org/​​ where people can keep track of wagers and even open them up to public comment. Does something like this exist?

Features would be:

  • Wager description and resolution criteria

  • Amount wagered

  • Odds given if not 1:1

  • Resolution date

Nice to have:

  • Some integration with crypto or payments or escrow to manage payouts

  • Ability for public to comment on wagers and even clone them and make their own wagers