Budapest Less Wrong/​ SSC

Sunday, November 7, 2-5pm.

Ulloi Ut, 66/​b/​1, door ring 27

6th floor, door 3, there is an elevator

So for November we’ll meet at my apartment again. Rather than assigning any reading, we’re going to try having everyone who wants to do so make a 10 minute presentation on something they’ve read that they found interesting and want us to talk about, followed by ten minutes of discussion on it. I will use a timer. Be warned: If nobody comes with a discussion, we will spend the entire time discussing whatever presentation I do. Don’t doom us all to that fate.

Afterwards I plan to take advantage of our location at my apartment to bake pizzas for everyone—so tell me if you are coming and what toppings you’d like available /​ bring toppings yourself if you’d like something particular.

Just reply to this email so I can see your RSVP at

Also since some people mentioned an interest in it, here is a link to the extremely SSC/​ Less Wrong sci fi story I’ve written. It basically is about population ethics, the Archipelago, and maybe why an universal surveillance state run by an AI would be (might be?) a good and necessary thing.


I hope to see you all there, and have a great week!


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