
Karma: 9,763

[Question] And was it for ra­tio­nal, ob­ject-level rea­sons?

DanArmak17 Mar 2020 10:30 UTC
8 points
1 comment1 min readLW link

80% of data in Chi­nese clini­cal tri­als have been fabricated

DanArmak2 Oct 2016 7:38 UTC
11 points
18 comments1 min readLW link

[LINK] Up­dat­ing Drake’s Equa­tion with val­ues from mod­ern astronomy

DanArmak30 Apr 2016 22:08 UTC
13 points
3 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: solv­ing an­thropic puz­zles us­ing UDT

DanArmak20 Jul 2015 17:37 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: So­cial & Board Games

DanArmak1 Jul 2015 17:53 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

When does her­i­ta­ble low fit­ness need to be ex­plained?

DanArmak10 Jun 2015 0:05 UTC
27 points
147 comments2 min readLW link

Meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: So­cial & Board Games

DanArmak5 May 2015 10:07 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Less Wrong Is­rael Meetup: So­cial and Board Games

DanArmak12 Apr 2015 14:43 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Less Wrong Is­rael Meetup: So­cial and Board Games

DanArmak30 Mar 2015 8:28 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Tel Aviv: Slightly Less Hard Prob­lems of Consciousness

DanArmak15 Mar 2015 21:07 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Less Wrong Is­rael Meetup: so­cial and board games

DanArmak6 Mar 2015 10:34 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Less Wrong Is­rael Meetup: So­cial and Board Games

DanArmak10 Jan 2015 9:48 UTC
4 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Is­rael Less Wrong Meetup—So­cial, Board Games

DanArmak10 Nov 2014 14:00 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Less Wrong Is­rael Meetup (Her­zliya): So­cial and Board Games

DanArmak4 Sep 2014 13:17 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readLW link

[LINK] Be­hind the Shock Ma­chine: book re­ex­am­in­ing Mil­gram obe­di­ence experiments

DanArmak13 Sep 2013 13:20 UTC
14 points
14 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : LessWrong Is­rael Septem­ber meetup

DanArmak6 Aug 2013 12:11 UTC
2 points
3 comments1 min readLW link

Meetup : Is­rael LW meetup

DanArmak25 Jun 2013 15:44 UTC
6 points
8 comments1 min readLW link

Does evolu­tion se­lect for mor­tal­ity?

DanArmak23 Feb 2013 19:33 UTC
17 points
56 comments2 min readLW link

I want to save myself

DanArmak20 May 2011 10:27 UTC
29 points
64 comments1 min readLW link

Choose To Be Happy

DanArmak1 Jan 2011 22:50 UTC
29 points
26 comments2 min readLW link