Oh, I’m the Sorting Hat and I’m okay, I sleep all year and I work one day...
It took me far too long to realize what this was a reference to
Oh, I’m the Sorting Hat and I’m okay, I sleep all year and I work one day...
It took me far too long to realize what this was a reference to
The ending is a great reminder that these characters are still small children, and behave as small children ought to, though with reasonable exceptions
I am of the opinion that Aftermath 1 is one of the best examples of “author actually uses logic” that I have read in a long time, and the comedy involved in it only makes it better, especially as some of that comedy came from my own subconscious expectations from writers, namely chivalry. The girls gossiping and cracking jokes about “the heir of Slipperin” doesn’t hurt either.
The name is a nice touch.
There were very few ways that could have gone even worse without magic or outside interference
The Goddess of Cancer declared it was good and returned the the fire.
to the
The question I cannot answer:
Did the hat choose to play a prank? Did it maintain self-awareness long enough to do so? Or is this a decision that someone else made for the Boy-Who-Lived?
This is the best damn chapter and I will never be able to read it without laughing.
cnlnoyr gb uvf xv- nu, gb jubrire zvtug qrsrng uvz
Vs Uneel unq orra cnlvat n ovg zber nggragvba, ur zvtug unir ernyvmrq gur cebcurpl rkvfgrq fbbare. ZpTbantnyy’f vaqvfpergvba urer vf n znwbe vaqvpngbe gung fbzrguvat vf hc
Why does this cause Harry’s scar to hurt? I can’t come up with a plausible reason why Voldemort using magic on Hermione would trigger the resonance.
(spoilers in rot13)
gur jnaq frrzrq ebohfg ntnvafg ybffrf bs fznyy nzbhagf bs jbbq
Jryy, gung’f n uvag V zvffrq gur svefg gvzr nebhaq. V jbaqre ubj zhpu bs uvf jnaq ur erzbirq va gur raq, naq vs vg unq nal abgvprnoyr vzcnpg ba uvf zntvp.
I’ll find a solution in time
Got a little dizzy trying to keep up with Harry here I’ve read this fiveish times and it’s still rather confusing
jasmine calling aladdin an idiot was in my opinion highlight of these “excerpts”
*that and the matrix one
the ender is strong with this one...