Pro­ject Based Learning


Go Do Something

Davis_Kingsley21 May 2019 15:42 UTC
38 points
25 comments1 min readLW link

Don’t Fear Failure

atucker3 Apr 2011 22:52 UTC
40 points
12 comments2 min readLW link

Go Try Things

atucker3 Mar 2011 1:51 UTC
13 points
1 comment4 min readLW link

AISC 2024 - Pro­ject Summaries

NickyP27 Nov 2023 22:32 UTC
48 points
3 comments18 min readLW link

[Question] How to test tiny skills?

Nicholas / Heather Kross24 Apr 2021 5:02 UTC
5 points
6 comments1 min readLW link

14 Tech­niques to Ac­cel­er­ate Your Learning

19 May 2022 13:59 UTC
62 points
9 comments11 min readLW link
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