Cryonics Signup Guide

A sequence on the procedural knowledge aspect of signing up for cryonics – the concrete steps of what you need to do and how to do it.

Cry­on­ics signup guide #1: Overview

#2: Neu­ro­cry­op­reser­va­tion vs whole-body preservation

#3: Choos­ing a cry­on­ics provider

#4: In­tro­duc­tion to life in­surance for cryonics

#4.1: Types of life insurance

#4.2: Cry­on­ics-friendly life in­surance carriers

#4.3: Cry­on­ics-friendly in­surance agents

#4.4: The in­surance un­der­writ­ing process

#5: Mak­ing your cry­on­ics ar­range­ments official

#6: Op­tional ad­di­tional steps

Ap­pen­dices to cry­on­ics signup sequence