Delegative Decision Theory

What sorts of software should we delegate our decision-making to? This sequence aims to make progress towards answering that question, and describe why results along those lines would be useful.

A De­ci­sion The­ory Can Be Ra­tional or Com­putable, but Not Both

How Emer­gency Medicine Solves the Align­ment Problem

So­cial Choice The­ory and Log­i­cal Handshakes

Op­ti­miza­tion Markets

When Can Op­ti­miza­tion Be Done Safely?

The Gears of Argmax

Safety Data Sheets for Op­ti­miza­tion Processes

Best-Re­spond­ing Is Not Always the Best Response

Us­ing Threats to Achieve So­cially Op­ti­mal Outcomes

A Bench­mark for De­ci­sion Theories

In Strate­gic Time, Open-Source Games Are Loopy

Log­i­cal Line-Of-Sight Makes Games Se­quen­tial or Loopy

Leg­i­bil­ity Makes Log­i­cal Line-Of-Sight Transitive

In­cor­po­rat­ing Jus­tice The­ory into De­ci­sion Theory

Refram­ing Acausal Trol­ling as Acausal Patronage

In­cor­po­rat­ing Mechanism De­sign Into De­ci­sion Theory

To Boldly Code

Coun­ter­fac­tual Mechanism Networks