Insights from Dath Ilan

Insights into the Way of rationality, written up as I read through planecrash. If you’re not going to read the story but would still like to get all the kernels of rationality insight buried within, this is for you!

Posts are a mix of lower-effort merely-passing-on-key-excerpts and somewhat higher-effort analyses. I’ll be sure to at least copy/​paste/​link everything I judge to be an important rationality insight in a shortform post, and then link each shortform here.

(Spoilers are flagged at the beginning of each post, but are not hidden within those posts! The relevant planecrash Book—‘Glowfic Post’—is also flagged before each post.)

Dath Ilan vs. Sid Meier’s Alpha Cen­tauri: Pareto Improvements

Your Utility Func­tion is Your Utility Function

Dath Ilani Rule of Law

The “Adults in the Room”

In­fer­nal Cor­rigi­bil­ity, Fiendishly Difficult

The STEM Attractor

How to Vi­su­al­ize Bayesianism

Abadar­ian Trades

Guidelines for Mad Entrepreneurs

Dath Ilan’s Views on Stop­gap Corrigibility