Mid-2017, I started to examine my reasons for thinking causality is a necessary ingredient in decision theory. I found grounds to reject all the arguments which had previously seemed to speak in favor of CDT, while at the same time, finding that EDT didn’t always do what people claimed it did in problems like Newcomb. I began to develop arguments that CDT and EDT were, in the cases which (I claimed) should be of primary interest, the same decision theory.

Smok­ing Le­sion Steelman

Smok­ing Le­sion Steel­man II

Smok­ing Le­sion Steel­man III: Re­venge of the Tickle Defense

Com­par­ing LICDT and LIEDT

Mixed-Strat­egy Rat­ifi­a­bil­ity Im­plies CDT=EDT

XOR Black­mail & Causality

A Ra­tion­al­ity Con­di­tion for CDT Is That It Equal EDT (Part 1)

A Ra­tion­al­ity Con­di­tion for CDT Is That It Equal EDT (Part 2)

Dutch-Book­ing CDT


Troll Bridge

Dutch-Book­ing CDT: Re­vised Argument

My Cur­rent Take on Counterfactuals