Quantum Physics

A non-mysterious introduction to quantum mechanics, intended to be accessible to anyone who can grok algebra and complex numbers. Cleaning up the old confusion about QM is used to introduce basic issues in rationality (such as the technical version of Occams Razor), epistemology, reductionism, naturalism, and philosophy of science. Not dispensable reading, even though the exact reasons for the digression are hard to explain in advance of reading.

Imported from the wiki. Overlaps with Quantum Physics and Many Worlds and Science and Rationality.

Quan­tum Explanations

Con­figu­ra­tions and Amplitude

Joint Configurations

Distinct Configurations

Where Philos­o­phy Meets Science

Can You Prove Two Par­ti­cles Are Iden­ti­cal?

Clas­si­cal Con­figu­ra­tion Spaces

The Quan­tum Arena

Feyn­man Paths

No In­di­vi­d­ual Particles

Iden­tity Isn’t In Spe­cific Atoms


The So-Called Heisen­berg Uncer­tainty Principle

Which Ba­sis Is More Fun­da­men­tal?

Where Physics Meets Experience

Where Ex­pe­rience Con­fuses Physicists

On Be­ing Decoherent

The Con­scious Sorites Paradox

De­co­her­ence is Pointless

De­co­her­ent Essences

The Born Probabilities

De­co­her­ence as Projection

En­tan­gled Photons

Bell’s The­o­rem: No EPR “Real­ity”

Spooky Ac­tion at a Dis­tance: The No-Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Theorem

De­co­her­ence is Simple

De­co­her­ence is Falsifi­able and Testable

Quan­tum Non-Realism

Col­lapse Postulates

If Many-Wor­lds Had Come First

Many Wor­lds, One Best Guess

Liv­ing in Many Worlds

Mach’s Prin­ci­ple: Anti-Epiphe­nom­e­nal Physics

Rel­a­tive Con­figu­ra­tion Space

Time­less Physics

Time­less Beauty

Time­less Causality

Time­less Identity

Thou Art Physics

Time­less Control

The Failures of Eld Science

The Dilemma: Science or Bayes?

Science Doesn’t Trust Your Rationality

When Science Can’t Help

Science Isn’t Strict Enough

Do Scien­tists Already Know This Stuff?

No Safe Defense, Not Even Science

Chang­ing the Defi­ni­tion of Science

Faster Than Science

Ein­stein’s Speed

That Alien Message

My Child­hood Role Model

Ein­stein’s Superpowers

Class Project

Why Quan­tum?