Map and Territory Cross-Posts

These are posts that appeared on the Map and Territory blog hosted on Medium. Map and Territory is a blog originally created when LessWrong 1.0 was at its nadir that hosted content from several rationalist bloggers, but over time and as LessWrong 2.0 took off, it only had content from G Gordon Worley III.

Only Gordon’s posts have been copied over to LessWrong. Some of the other posts are linked here, but the content is missing and can only be found on the Medium blog.

Map and Ter­ri­tory: a new ra­tio­nal­ist group blog

In Defense of Kegan

A Foun­da­tion for The Mul­ti­part Psyche

In­ter­nal­iz­ing Existentialism

Fluid De­ci­sion Making

The Devel­op­men­tal Role of Play

Re­vealed and Stated Identity

De­bate and Dialectic

Act into Fear and Aban­don all Hope

Noth­ing is For­bid­den, but Some Things are Good

Phenomenolog­i­cal Com­plex­ity Classes

What Value Hermeneu­tics?

What Value Epicy­cles?

Un­stag­ing Devel­op­men­tal Psychology

The Per­sonal Growth Cycle

Angst, En­nui, and Guilt in Effec­tive Altruism

Devel­op­men­tal Psy­chol­ogy in The Age of Ems

What Value Subagents?

In­scrutable Ideas

Em­brac­ing Metamodernism

Is Feed­back Suffer­ing?

Cog­ni­tive Em­pa­thy and Emo­tional Labor

Regress Thy­self to the Mean

Doxa, Episteme, and Gnosis

Avoid­ing AI Races Through Self-Regulation

Eval­u­at­ing Ex­ist­ing Ap­proaches to AGI Alignment

Suffer­ing and In­tractable Pain

Akra­sia is con­fu­sion about what you want

Let Values Drift

Scope Insen­si­tivity Judo

Nor­mal­iza­tion of Deviance

You are Dis­so­ci­at­ing (prob­a­bly)

Forc­ing your­self to keep your iden­tity small is self-harm