Crowdsourced knowledge base

This is a series of posts that propose to build a crowdsourced knowledge base and use it to increase intelligence of people and computers, including AI.

The first post shows a broader perspective of the idea, while the following posts present it in more detail.

The second post describes the structure of the knowledge database and the method of building it.

The third and fourth posts describe some of its possible initial uses that increase intelligence of people and computers, including those that are important according to Effective Altruism.

The eighth post introduces the concept of information space being an interface for exchanging knowledge between all intelligent agents (including people and artificial intelligence). It also presents a hypothesis that truth is an attractor in the information space implemented by the proposed knowledge database. If it turns out that truth is actually an attractor, then it seems this would improve cooperation among people to the extent that it could theoretically lead to the emergence of collective superintelligence.

The ninth post lists some of the most important problems of current AI, including LLMs, and proposes to use the described knowledge database to try to address them.

The remaining three short posts describe other aspects of this knowledge database.

The posts were originally published on https://​​ in the years 2018 and 2023.

Knowl­edge Base 1: Could it in­crease in­tel­li­gence and make it safer?

Knowl­edge Base 2: The struc­ture and the method of building

Knowl­edge Base 3: Shop­ping ad­vi­sor and other uses of knowl­edge base about products

Knowl­edge Base 4: Gen­eral applications

Knowl­edge Base 5: Busi­ness model

Knowl­edge Base 6: Con­sen­sus the­ory of truth

Knowl­edge Base 7: Long-tail knowl­edge and col­lec­tive intelligence

Knowl­edge Base 8: The truth as an at­trac­tor in the in­for­ma­tion space

Knowl­edge Base 9: In­creas­ing intelligence